Helpful Hints
Simple Trick to Resetting Your Indicator
It happens dozens, if not hundreds, of times every game. A
batter finishes their at bat and the umpire resets the count
to zeroes. This typically requires umpires to take their eyes
off the play to look down at their indicator, often with a live
ball and runners in jeopardy.
Here’s a simple and quick trick that makes this exercise
easier – notching the wheels on your indicator (see the
picture). With a bit of practice this will allow umpires to
“feel” their way through resets.
To make your umpire reset friendly, set your indicator to all
zeroes. Using a sharp knife simply – and carefully - notch
the wheels where your fingers and thumb will normally be
so that to reset the count or outs (end of an inning) an
umpire simply needs to rotate each wheel until they feel
the notch in the correct place without looking down at the